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Cheaters Brain Stabbed!

A gamer playing in an internet cafe, was suspected of cheating in a game of Counter-Strike; lives to tell his story about being stabbed in the brain after angry players shish kabobed his head on a knife.

The doctors diagnosed that the knife just by a hair, missed the important arteries. Which failed to deprive the victim of his movement even though it went through certain parts of the brain that should have made him immobile.

The doctors were able to successfully remove the blade. An operation that lasted for 10 hours.

Guess this guy learned a lesson the brain numbing way. Cheating is not cool! But this was just way absurd. Stabbing a guy in the brain.. I guess counter-strike really does have a violent effect on people. But oh well.. That's one guy who'll never cheat again. Hopefully he can remember though. xD

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Kudos to mangjhokwatro for sharing the info.


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