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Add links to your related posts: How to put "You might also like" to your blog posts

Here's a good way to maintain traffic and make sure your old posts don't get wasted/lost in time. You might have noticed that in most blogs (and most recently, our blog), they have a widget with "You might also like" below the post. I've been doing some searching and this is what I got: LinkWithin.

Using the widget is easy, all you have to do is fill out a form on their site. Here's what it looks like:

Email: Your email!
Blog link: link to your blog!
Platform: choose from the drop-down list; Wordpress, Blogger, etc. Of course for this blog it would be Blogger.
Width: How many links in your "You might also like". XroNet has 3 stories.

Make sure you check "My blog has light text on a dark background" if it applies to your blog. It obviously does for our blog.

After you click "Get Widget!", you will be directed to a tutorial on how to use LinkWithin. It's very easy, I got to install it on the blog in under five minutes.

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