The Bhut jolokia, also known as "Ghost Chili" is the spiciest or hottest chili pepper in the world! It contains 1,000,000 Scoville units (measurement for chili's spiciness). That's about 200 times spicier than the Jalapeno! (around 2,500 to 8,000 units) This chili is widely used in Indian cuisine. As we all know, this country is famous for their very spicy food. No sane man would probably eat a whole Bhut jolokia chili.
This very spicy chili pepper was recently used as a new military weapon in India. It is used as a tear gas hand grenade to disable the user's target(s). Can you imagine being tear gassed with these?! The best part in using this chili as a weapon is it's non-toxic. Although it's gonna sting.. a lot.
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